
Overheating need not be a hot issue. Here at Stokes and Renk we will ensure your cooling system is kept in peak condition for the ultimate in reliability. It’s something we check every time your vehicle is in for a service at Stokes and Renk and if there are any issues we will recommend the course of repair to keep you on the road year after year.


There are a lot of myths and confusion regarding engine Coolant and what is the correct procedure is if you experience cooling system issues or on the rare occasion have to top up your BMW coolant. Here is the cold hard facts.


  • Coolant isn’t Coolant. Mixing different brands of engine coolant can cause serious problems for all cooling system components. We recommend if you are not sure what coolant is in your BMW to ONLY use Distilled water. In an emergency clean tap water may also be used short term
  • We only use and recommend to use the manufactures genuine coolant. BMW coolant is especially designed for BMW engines and plastic components and is of very high quality
  • If other brands of engine coolant are mixed then the whole cooling system will need to be pressure flushed and refilled with Genuine BMW coolant, which is more costly than simply flushing the cooling system during normal service
  • Incorrect or mixed coolants can cause damage to many engine, heating and even transmission components which may go undetected for years until a major failure occurs causing expensive repairs
  • BMW coolant requires replacement every 4 years at a MAXIMUM. Every service with Stokes and Renk our technicians will check the chemical concentration and recommend a flush if required.


We stock a full range of BMW parts and fluids and are able to ship Australia wide. 

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